How to Get Involved

SNIS Young Neurointerventionalists’ Committee

Previously known as the “Fellows’ Committee”, the Young Neurointerventionalists’ Committee (YNC) represents all Junior Members of the SNIS. The Committee is composed of current trainees on a one-year term, under the leadership of the YNC Chair, who is a recent graduate transitioned to early-career. The Committee aims to represent the needs and opinions of trainees; support networking efforts within the trainees’ community; and bring ideas for new programming efforts, education, guidelines, and other key issues to the attention of the SNIS Board of Directors via the Committee Chair.

The YNC Chair participates in an invited guest to the Board of Directors meetings and represents the needs and opinions of trainees. The Chair establishes a direct line of communication between the Board of Directors, the Young Neurointerventionalists’ Committee, and of course, the trainees. In addition to representing the YNC, the Chair also provides leadership and oversight in the collaborative work by its members and subcommittees. It is currently the only early-career leadership position within any neurointerventional society.

Young Neurointerventionalists’ Committee Members

2020 – 2021


Jenny Tsai. Interventional Neurologist, Spectrum Health West Michigan.


Eric Smith. Fellow (Radiology), University of California, San Francisco

Saman Sizdahkhani. Resident (Neurosurgery), University of Southern California

Jaydevsinh Dolia. Fellow (Neurology), University of Pittsburgh Medical Center


2019 – 2020


Jenny Tsai. Interventional Neurologist, Spectrum Health West Michigan.


Scott Raymond. Interventional Neuroradiologist, University of Vermont.

Lila Sheikhi. Fellow (Neurology), Cleveland Clinic.

Eric Sussman. Fellow (Neurosurgery), Stanford University.

Kasra Khatibi. Fellow (Neurology), University of California, Los Angeles.

Zoya Voronovich. Resident (Neurosurgery), University of Utah.

Ghasan Ahmed. Resident (Radiology), University of Maryland.


How To Join The Young Professionals’ Committee

We welcome all interested junior members of the SNIS to join the Young Professionals Committee!

In 2020-2021, the Young Professionals’ Committee underwent restructuring with the plan to engage more junior colleagues in the committee. Starting in 2021-2022, the committee will consist of the YPC Chair and three Subcommittee Chairs.

The Young Professionals Committee Chair is selected by the Executive Committee. It is a two-year, volunteer position open to any second-year Fellow who is an SNIS Junior Member in good standing. A call for nomination for the YPC Chair is sent to all Junior Members several months prior to the end of the current YPC Chair’s term through the SNIS Forum. As with all the YPC positions, the Chair changes over in August.

Nomination for the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) is open yearly one month ahead of the SNIS Annual Meeting. Fellows and residents interested in contributing to the YPC should submit to the committee their CV and a brief description on how they would use this position to support other trainees. Please send your information to or email us with any questions.

The YPC is currently organized as subcommittees which will each be headed by a YPC Subcommittee Chair, each serving up to 3-year terms. These subcommittees include:


The networking subcommittee will engage and organize members into various groups to encourage connections for mentorship, finding jobs, and research collaborations. The networking chair will be creating various platforms to engage residents, fellows and young neurointerventionalists who are interested in these various opportunities.

Social Media

The social media subcommittee will run the social media presence of the YPC. This includes but is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the SNIS website. As we are a new subcommittee, this role is evolving and crucial to our advertisement and growth.


The education subcommittee creates unique educational opportunities for trainees and junior members of the SNIS. The endeavors will be primarily focused on educating fellows but all levels of trainees will be welcome to participate.


Mentor Match Program

Since 2020, a Mentor Match is available through the SNIS. All members, of any seniority, from medical students to mid- and late-career, may participate. The Mentor Match is meant to mostly benefit Junior and Early-career members in connecting them with mentors of background and professional interests similar to their intended career pathways. Specialties, career stage, goals, interests, practice setting, and gender can be specified to help identify a mentor or mentee.

Check it out, and sign up for the Mentor Match!